
28, Cologne


“The wardrobe check process was so cool and insanely interesting. 😀 I really liked our constant communication and the quality of the services provided, not only the wardrobe edit itself, but also the teaching process on how to choose clothes and what to focus on. Your individual approach and orientation on the psychological component. A nice bonus 👉🏼 recommendations on how to care for shoes and clothes. Thanks to the selection of styles and all your recommendations, the love for shopping has returned to me and finally there is no ´nothing will suit me´ fear like before.”


34, Cologne


“Thanks for helping me add more structure into my closet – I´ve never thought that we could create so many outfits with few items. Although I am interested in style and I care about my appearance, it has never been possible for me to go deeper and sort my thoughts in time. Thanks to your help, I can now see more clearly which style and which form and materials suit to my personality and to my body. And one more important thought I love my clothes now. Cheers!“


29, Moscow


“Irina, hello! I have studied the personal Style Guide and I want to thank you so much for such a detailed analysis of my appearance! Now I feel much more conscious in how to emphasize the features of my figure, how contrast and color characteristics of my appearance work. Btw, I would like to note that you, like a psychologist, revealed my true desires in self-expression: in freedom, courage … this is exactly what is important for me on the current life stage (and not ‘trust’, as I originally thought). Several days have passed, and I am still reading the guide again and again, I find something new in it every time. I am very glad that I came to you, thank you!”


26, Cologne


“Hey, Irina. Just wanted to say what a magic it is to have a shopping list and a clear plan! In the time that has passed since our consultation (which is 3 whole months), I haven’t had a chaotic shopping binge – which, as you know, happened to me regularly. And … I´ve noticed a nice side effect on my bank account due to the absence of such unconscious shopping expenses. 😅 That theoretical base that you seem to have built into my head gives me now the opportunity to approach shopping slower and much more consciously – which was the main request for me. One more time thank you. I will definitely be back for a summer season session. 😊”


35, Berlin


“Irina, thank you very much! I'm soooo pleased. I feel many changes in myself, so much new information in my head. I would never have thought that it would make me so happy working on my style and creating outfits. It´s like connection to real me, which was hiding for years. Thank you for all your help and attention to details. Getting feedback from you was so interesting.”


27, St. Petersburg


“Thanks for such an amazing experience! For your sensitive approach and for noticing such nuances and details, asking such precise questions! It was absolutely not scary to go ‘deeper into myself’ with you, for that I am immensely grateful! It´s really amazing what you doing.”


36, Moscow


“Hey, hey. I wanted to write to you how the In-Depth Color / Print Analysis has helped me. Before when I was in stores, I was constantly taking pictures and sending it to my friends, waiting for their opinion. Now that I know my characteristics and understand much better what shades to choose I trust myself to make my own decision! I've also started adding some colors to my wardrobe. Previously, I mostly dressed in basic colors like black and white, now I look at other colors and the outfits become so much more interesting, brighter! Thanks a lot!”


30, Cologne


“Irina! ❤️ Thank you very much for our work! I am so grateful that we did not limit to just throwing outdated items away but went ‘deep’ to sorting out the psychological component of my style. You gave me so much information, explained on concrete examples what clothes and styling tricks work for me, gave a great variety of outfit combinations. I didn’t expect that among those items that I already have, you can come up with such unusual and stylish outfits. 😅”


60, Moscow


“Now 3 months have passed since our work, I would like to share my thoughts with you. As you know, it was not my first experience working with a stylist. The first try happened about 15 years ago and brought an understanding of my type of appearance. But back then I was not ready for a change (as I understand now), felt so much resistance and returned all the recommended clothes after shopping, came back to old habits, and of course … continued being not satisfied with my appearance and wardrobe.


And this summer, my fate unexpectedly gave me one more styling chance through you. I liked your approach to the formation of the wardrobe right away – logic, considering the psychological background, joint work together, without strong dictates of trendy fashion. Well, I had no idea how much afford is required from me in this work – no wonder, I felt the resistance again but decided that this time I will keep on going. 😊


You required from me a huge concentration on myself (something I was not used to): my aspirations, goals, preferences. You gave me many exercises, which made me search for (understand, accept, want) ‘my own’ for the current period of life. I will not hide, it was so difficult to delve into myself, and even more so to recognize my own goals! Seriously, the process felt like a self-development therapy-program.


And then wardrobe edit and this terrible feeling when we were getting rid of my favourite junk (thanks for the nostalgia box, btw) … When I saw myself the first outfits created from the clothes which remained, I felt unexpectedly beautiful. But your questions surprised me once again: ‘How do you feel? Are you expressing what you need at this point of your life? Let's check your request. How could we elevate this outfit to your main stated goal?’ So much food for thought, haha.


Shopping list was ready, which meant shopping consciously, with military discipline, purchase only well-fitting items of a very specific color. Totally new experience for me! Here I had to forget about this useless quick joy of buying unexpected, lovely finds, which get lost in jungle of clothes I already have – conscious approach cannot tolerate this! Only in this moment I understood how impulsive my shopping has been for years …


And finally results: first experience wearing new outfits, looks, compliments. Damn nice!


By the way, it's great that we used so many forgotten accessories from my ‘unbearable deposits’. Thought: ahh, now I understand why I bought this!


Now I'm creating outfits. By myself. I twist my soul with questions: What do I want to express today? And what does this outfit convey? How to achieve my goal today? How do I feel? And you know, indeed with practice the answers are coming easier and easier!


Here is the apotheosis of hard work and doubts – I feel great in the downtown of the capital, this is my jungle, I feel it with my skin! Thank you for our work. Truly deep and amazing experience.”


25, Cologne


“The period of preparation for the wedding was so excitingly pleasant, but not without constant swings: first I wanted a white classic trouser suit, next moment please give me a dress! And not classic anymore, but magnificent and authentic. Thank you, Irina, for all the tact, attentiveness, and love for your work. In such a responsible matter as choosing an outfit for a wedding, it is very important that there is a real professional nearby, who, like a beacon, helps not to get lost in all the wishes and doubts, who supports and carefully guides until you say ‘yes, this is mine.’ And most importantly, thank you for helping us make our dream come true. To say that I am completely delighted is to say nothing!”